Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Knitting vs. Etsy

I have been so incredibly busy since the beginning of February that I am amazed I have accomplished anything with my Etsy shop, stinkR. I declared 2013 "The Year of stinkR", but 2013 had other plans. I have had to reevaluate my priorities more than once and let something go this year, like cooking better or losing all the weight. But, never knitting.

Knitting is one of my passions. If I get time alone, you will find me browsing the aisles at craft stores, touching the skeins and sighing over buttons and bamboo needles. I love knitting! Inspiration strikes at any moment, in church (looking at the curtains behind the podium), at a restaurant (people-watching), or paging through a non-knitting related magazine (ooh, I could do that with yarn). I see stitches everywhere! I look at the purses ladies carry and mentally convert them into knitted bags, sometimes with metallic yarn and sometimes with feathery. Knitting is part of me.

My Etsy store is a branch of that part of me. While I know I need the store to sell my products, I don't need it to feel complete in my knitting. Sometimes, the store adds a pressure to my knitting that removes all the joy of the process. I start thinking I HAVE to knit and make new items to list because that is what the store is FOR. Right? There is no quicker way to stall my muse than to tell me it is something I have to knit. The muse flees, runs for the hills! The project list I have? Nothing goes right. I use the wrong yarn or the wrong pattern and the results are never pleasing. I shake my head. I step back. I walk away from the needles.

During this break, the answer always comes. Relax! Your knitting is your knitting, not Etsy's. You have the freedom to list one new item a day, or week, you choose! (Of course, I have goals for inventory, but that's another conversation) I go back to my WIP (works in progress, for you non-knitters), and usually frog (tear out) everything, pull the stitches out, and wind the balls back up. I start over.

Knitting is a process for me and the end result will hopefully be something lovely I can list in my shop and sell to someone who loves it almost as much. I have scarves in New Mexico and New York! That would never have happened without my Etsy shop. (mostly because I don't know anyone who lives in those places because everyone I know has something I knit) So, the shop is secondary to my passion, not the inspiration or the reason.

If I keep the perspective straight, the knitting just flows, and if the knitting flows, the shop gets filled. You know what I mean?


  1. I like that: the shop is secondary to your passion. Thank you for sharing this. I love your work - keep the passion going!

  2. so true, knitting is a passion. Let it inspire you

  3. Rachel you are so right... go with your passion... the rest will come... I found that out too. My consignment shops all push for certain items well I do not always want to make those items or I get upset when I can not find the fabric they want. I have now decided take what I have, I will try but not going to panic over it anymore. Good luck with your shop.

  4. I like your work and one of these days I hope to own something from your shop. Keep knitting.

    1. Thank you so much, Cynthia! That made my day. :)

  5. Passion has to lead... so true in all of art!

    1. I totally agree. Strong feelings influence creativity!

  6. Great post - keep up the great work and don't let the shop get between you and your passion!

  7. Great post! I love working with yarn too! I have too many hobbies, so don't get to them all! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Crystal, I have so many things I love to do, too! I have to prioritize or I would so many things, but none of it well.

  8. Loved your post...passion, work, priorities....how it all fits together! really like your shop...got to get some mug holders soon!

    1. Thank you! Mug holders are one of my favorite items to knit. My secret is that they are usually inspired by the button! :)

  9. It is nice to see that you have your priorities straight!
    Wonderful post!

  10. Great post. We sometimes get so overwhelmed maintaining these shops that we lose sight why we started what we are doing in the first place. It's wonderful you have your priorities in order. Your work is beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much! I think it is very easy to get caught up in the business side, especially when so much of that is social. I enjoy your shop, too! Your sewing skills are on point!

  11. I like the part about the flow, you're so right, we have to work in the flow and not against it.

    1. I feel like I've been fighting the flow! It's exhasuting. So much more peaceful to go with it!

  12. Now I'm thinking about my own lack of inspiration lately. Sometimes I start thinking about the work that goes into listing something on Etsy - pics, tags, descriptions etc. that I just cant' seem to get motivated. Thx for the reminder to have fun first and worry about the shop 2nd.

    1. Andrea, yes! My motivation is sapped, too, when I think about all that goes into a listing! I hope you find a way to get back to basics and enjoy the creative process again!

  13. I *so* understand! I'm a knitter myself and so prefer the knitting process to the finishing process! I can't tell you how many projects I have just waiting to be sewn together and finished. I totally suffer from startitis! While knitting is and will always be my first love, there is now way I could be disciplined and make any money from it. Keep the faith!

    1. Dorene, always a pleasure to meet a sista knitta! Oh, startitis, I know! It's an epidemic! I have a bag of those, too. Thank you!

  14. Love, love the post! I am in awe of both knitters and people who can crochet...

    1. Thank you so much! Seriously, I taught myself to knit from a beginner kit and YouTube, it has just evolved for me!
