Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Story of a Custom Order

I consider myself somewhat of an artist. My husband smiles at me indulgently when I talk about "the fiber arts" and being a "fiber artist." Let's just say I'm creative with yarn. I may get inspired by a visit to a museum, you can read about that here, or a fashion magazine. Sometimes something catches my eye and I get that Aha! feeling. Lately, my inspiration comes from buttons, little packs of themed buttons. I purchased many, many of these little packs in a variety of themes. My pan is to make mug and cup cozies with these cute buttons on them. 

One of the first button packs I grabbed was a football theme. There are several footballs, some stars, a helmet, and some that say "Football!" or "#1 Player." Being a football fan myself (Go, Bucs!) I knew these would be perfect on a green and white knitted background, basically a football field background. 

Knitting with different colors on the same project is a skill and takes practice. The different threads have to be combined just right or it will look bumpy and funky. I knew my football field had to be smooth, so I simply cut each strand of white at the end of the row. Easy enough, but really a pain to weave in all those ends! Ask any knitter about weaving in ends and they will tell you, ugh! It's the most tedious part of the project. There were a lot of ends to weave in! But, it was worth the effort because the cozy looked exactly how I pictured it.

I listed it in my Etsy shop and moved on to another project. Well, what do you know, but the wife of a football fan, a Green Bay Packers fan to be exact, saw that mug cozy and requested a custom order. She would like one knit with green and gold, the colors of the team! What a great idea! Now why didn't I think of that when I listed it? Of course I can make one in those colors! No problem! 

I knew I had that gold yarn SOMEWHERE. I knew it had to be...nope, not on my shelves. Maybe it was...nope, not in my stash in the house. Hmm. Maybe it's in the storage room, but I hope to God it's not because that room is filled with stuff! But it was in there. It HAD to be in there. I had already given up and gone to the craft store to get some new gold yarn. But it isn't time for gold yarn on the shelves. No, it's still summer colors. Dang it! I crept into the storage room, halfheartedly moved some bags, and hallelujah! There it was! The gold yarn was sitting at the top of a bag! Success!

I got busy knitting the cozy and am very pleased with how it turned out. The buyer purchased it and off it went into the mail. I love packaging my knits to be shipped. There's a feeling of completion and satisfaction wrapped up in it. I also updated my listing to include custom orders. 

"Just click the Custom Order button and tell me the team and colors you want!"


  1. Really nice! Now to do a variety of teams, right???

  2. Fun story, thanks for sharing :)

  3. Great story! I love that feeling of packaging up an item and sending it off too--it's a great feeling of accomplishment!

    1. Yes, it is! Especially when you are shipping something you know the buyer will like.

  4. Enjoyed the story. My favorite sales are for custom orders!

    1. Thank you! This was only my second custom order and I'm starting to enjoy them more. I get nervous!

  5. That's cool! I love it when I get custom orders too. They are so fun to make. I also relate tot he storage room LOL... except this is how it is in my craft room!

    1. Oh, I wish I had a craft room! But then I'm sure it would be messy there, too. :) I blame it on my artistic tendencies. Right?

  6. Nice story, thanks for sharing!

  7. Great job! It's always fun to sell something and not know where I put it because I've moved it.

    I love custom orders too.

    1. Custom orders are starting to be more fun for me. Thank you!

  8. Being a fiber artist myself, I hear you on weaving in those ends. Great story and thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh, yes, you know all about that weaving in! I love meeting another fiber artist!

  9. I wish I had listened to my Grandmother when I was young, and learned to knit. I so admire great knitted items like yours!

    1. Gina, it's never too late to learn! Thank you so much.

  10. Weaving in ends...great reason for an old movie and a glass of wine!

    1. Ha ha, Dorene! If I drank wine while I did that it would be a big mess, LOL! I know some people drink while knitting, but I don't think I could! Yes to the old movie though!

  11. Great story thanks for sharing!! :-)

  12. Jocelyn, I really need to get more organized! But I'm so lazy. I prefer to spend my spare time knitting. :)
